SSH and Firewall

It is important to secure your connection to the machine. In order to do so, we will configure the ssh access pattern as well as set up a firewall that blocks all incoming requests except ssh port and web server ports.

We will assume that we have a non-root account that is in the sudoers group.


  • When you first create the server instance, you may or may not have the ssh server running. If it is not running, you can install it first. On Ubuntu/Debian, you can use the following command:

    sudo apt install openssh-server
  • Next, we create a ssh key pair on our local machine with which we will access the server. From your local user home directory:

    mkdir .ssh
    cd .ssh
  • Copy this content to the following file authorized_keys in the webserver:

    mkdir .ssh
    vim authorized_keys #if vim is not present, you can use other editors or install it using `sudo apt install vim`
    #copy the content and quit (shift+colon> wq -> enter)
    chmod 600 authorized_keys
  • We need to edit the following fields in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server (say using vim):

    • Port choose something other than 22 (opttional)
    • PermitRootLogin no (changed from prohibit-password)
    • PubkeyAuthentication yes (already defaults to this)
    • PasswordAuthentication no (disable it for security)
  • Restart the ssh server. In Ubuntu/Debian this is achieved by sudo systemctl restart ssh


  • A basic firewall such as ufw can help provide a layer of security.
  • Install and run it using the following commands (Ubuntu/Debian):

    sudo apt install ufw
    sudo ufw allow [PortNumber] #here it is 22 or another port that you chose for ssh
    sudo ufw enable
    sudo ufw status verbose #this should show what the firewall is doing