
  1. Launch a kubernetes cluster with a single pod/container that loads and serves Jupyter notebooks, and which can be accessed via the browser. The images from https://hub.docker.com/u/jupyter/#! such as https://hub.docker.com/r/jupyter/datascience-notebook can help.

  2. Go through the introductory examples from https://k3s.io and from https://microk8s.io/. Both of these allow you to try Kubernetes locally.

  3. Try switching to different images such as https://hub.docker.com/_/python/ with minikube.

  4. Go through the documentation for Kubernetes and Docker.

  5. Try to access the shell of a deployed container using these instructions.

  6. Read container logs to debug issues (e.g., python bugs or errors that were not caught) using these instructions.

  7. Try creating a mini-cloud using VMs and not containers using https://multipass.run/.

  8. Go through the Redis powered Guestbook app tutorial on GKE.